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Strategies for Sticking to Your New Year Gym Resolution

It's that time of year again - resolutions have been made and promises to ourselves are flying around! For many of us, this means finally committing to a regular sport routine at the fitness club. While setting goals is an essential first step towards reaching success in any area, actually following through on those plans can be challenging. That's why we've gathered together strategies specifically designed with gym-goers in mind, so you can turn your New Year resolution into a Revolution this time around!

Set realistic goals - make sure you're not biting off more than you can chew when it comes to your fitness routine

When it comes to your fitness routine, it's important to set realistic goals. Oftentimes, we can be tempted to push ourselves too hard and take on more than we can handle. This is especially true when it comes to fitness, as the last thing we want to do is cause physical harm or injury. By setting realistic goals, you can stay motivated and on track with your routine without putting yourself in danger. Start by setting small achievable goals such as walking a few miles each day or doing an extra round of push-ups each time you work out. Once you have achieved these small objectives, gradually increase their difficulty level so that you are consistently challenging yourself without overdoing it. Additionally, make sure to keep a log of your progress so that you can monitor your progress and stay motivated! By setting realistic goals, you will be able to reach higher levels of fitness while avoiding potential injury or harm.

Track your progress - use a journal or app to keep track of your accomplishments, so you can continue to stay motivated and on track 

Tracking your progress is an essential part of any goal-setting process. It helps to keep you motivated, on track and inspired as you work towards your goals. By using a journal or app to document your accomplishments and record your progress, you can ensure that you stay accountable for the goals that you set for yourself. Keeping a record of the steps that you have taken and the successes that you have achieved can also be a great reminder of how far you have come when doubts and obstacles arise. Journals are ideal if you prefer to write down your thoughts and jot down notes by hand. You can use them to make quick notes or plan out detailed strategies. Alternatively, if writing isn’t your cup of tea, there are plenty of apps available with helpful tracking tools, like checklists and calendars, which will help keep you organized. Whichever method works best for you, consistent tracking of your progress is key – try setting aside 15 minutes each day to review and reflect on how far you have come! 

Reward yourself for small successes - use rewards as an incentive for sticking with your gym routine and making progress towards your goals

Rewarding yourself for small successes is a great way to motivate yourself and stay on track with your gym routine. This could look like giving yourself a pat on the back for completing a challenging workout or getting an extra hour of sleep after an early morning gym session. It could also mean treating yourself to a massage or spa day, buying new workout gear, or even taking a trip to celebrate your progress. Whatever you choose, the reward should be something that brings you joy and helps you stay motivated so that you can keep pushing forward and reaching your goals.

Rewarding yourself is important because it helps build self-confidence as you see yourself making progress and reaching milestones. It also provides motivation to continue striving towards bigger goals as you see that consistent effort leads to tangible rewards. Plus, it’s just fun! Who doesn’t love treats? When planning each reward, think about what would make you feel proud of your accomplishments and push you to reach the next milestone in your gym routine. The key is not to let rewards become an excuse for slacking off though — don’t use them as an escape from hard work or as an excuse for bad habits (like skipping workouts). Rewards are designed to help boost morale and increase motivation — not replace hard work. Look at rewards as mini-celebrations that allow you to celebrate each step along the way towards achieving your fitness goals. Setting your health and fitness resolutions for the New Year is a great way to start off on the right foot. But it takes more than just good intentions or even setting realistic goals - it takes preparation and dedication to make these resolutions stick. Careful planning and checking in with yourself regularly will help you stay motivated throughout the year as you look forward to seeing what changes you can make after each passing month. Invest in some quality equipment that'll make it easier for you to get into your routine, and track your progress to help keep you on track, then reward yourself with something special when you reach your small successes! With all this taken care of, there's no reason why this next year won't become an incredible transformation revolution. So make sure that each step you take is one that leads closer towards success - read more here to get started!

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