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Fitness Tips for Running to Improve Your Stamina

When you can easily complete a distance that was once challenging for you it is not because of your lucky hoodie, or shorts, or new running shoes. It is because you have increased your running stamina. The time when you notice that a distance you have been running feels easier or you can now complete it in a much shorter time means stamina increases. We are not implying that running a marathon will be easy or marathon runners find it easy.

The growth of your running stamina is because of your consistency in running. But there are no shortcuts or quick solutions to increasing running stamina, whether it be you or anyone else. Usually it would take about 2 to 4 weeks to see some level of benefit. Then of course, the benefits are also dependent on the type of running you are doing, your diet, form and intensity. The quicker and high-intensity runs are marked at the lower end of this range while if your runs are long and steady then you are at the upper end of that range. Running for fitness and increasing stamina will work, but you have to do everything perfectly to get the most out of it. Before you pack your workout bag and sprint out for a run there is something we want you to do. Evaluate yourself honestly regarding your aerobic base. You are a new runner, a seasoned marathon runner or fall in between.

Be consistent 

Being consistent with running and focused on goals is the key to improved stamina. Doing too much at once will only make you hit a wall and even increase the chances of injury. So, this clearly means if you want to increase your running distance keep up with the training consistently. By doing so your aerobic capacities will flourish on a stronger base. Add a few extra runs to your weekly running routine but keep them easy and slow. They will improve your endurance level and then speed will follow naturally. 3 to 4 sessions per week - which are about 30 minutes or so long -would be enough. Complement these sessions with 1 long run. This will be the one where you will cover more distance than your usual.  

Running long 

Get ready to get your sweatshirts and shorts damp with sweat because you are about to increase the tie and distance. This is how it is going to work. If you want to run more distance then you would have to run farther. Meaning you would have to run for an additional 5 – 10 minutes, i.e. without breaking your run. Or you would have to run about some additional distance, again without taking any rest in between. And continue this every time you run. This additional distance should be about 30 – 50% of the total running distance your cover in a week. When the added more time or distance starts make your pace consistent. You can slow the pace to contain yourself. Don’t try to run the additional run fast because it would stop you from the finish off strong. You could just faint or give up. Be slow and steady while focusing on completing the goal. If you think it is not enough just wait until you try to do it. This addition will break you up when going for a bigger marathon level volume.

Tempo runs 

Tempo runs are short distanced higher pace runs that can last from anywhere between 20 minutes to 60 minutes, and are considerably hard work. These short distanced higher pace runs train the body to clear lactic acid quicker, meaning it helps with longer runs and recovery. In short, you can say tempo runs improve running speed. 

Eat for endurance 

Good carb intake is important for runners. But that does not mean you should forget other essential nutrients like protein and greens etc. About 50% to 65% of your total diet should be carbohydrates. But that does mean eating pasta, beans or sweet potato with every meal. Just eat what will compliment your training. Before long distance running carb loading is important. Many marathon runners do the same. The energy from carbs is stored so later it can be used as fuel when your body needs it. This will improve your performance by allowing longer runs with less muscle fatigue. If you get tired of running or get into a low mood then maybe you should think of increasing carb intake, especially complex carbs.

Recovery periods 

Whether it be weight lifting or running, the body is being pushed to improve. Thus, it needs time to recover and be ready again to be pushed further. If you don’t eat well or don't give your body proper recovery time the improvements will be slow. Good diet and sleep followed by proper warm-ups and stretching before a run are important. Also, be sure to eat those healthy carbs mentioned above within the first 2 hours of finishing your training.  

Improving your running technique 

Improving your running technique sure improves your running. Improving your technique will let you run farther in less time without feeling exhausted. Landing your foot under your centre of gravity, around 180 step cadence and running tall, keeping the back straight, and arms at 90 degrees are a few important factors to improve running technique. Also, the lighter you are the better your running form will be. 

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