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How to Get Rid of Man Boobs

A male breast reduction surgery can treat gynecomastia or enlarged male breast tissue. Lots of men have some degree of excess breast tissue, but it can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing problem. Fortunately, gynecomastia surgery provides an immediate and permanent solution. Most patients are very satisfied with their results and become much more confident in their appearance afterwards. If your male breast reduction surgery is coming up, you may start to feel nervous, but it's normal to worry about a major surgery, but you can ease your nerves by being as prepared as possible.

Medical Preparation 

Your doctor may want you to have a physical exam, blood work, a mammogram, or another procedure before your gynecomastia surgery. You should make sure to schedule these tests in advance and deliver the results to your surgeon as soon as possible. In the weeks leading up to your surgery, you may have to make some lifestyle changes to prepare. Your doctor will probably advise you to stop tanning at least two weeks before the procedure. Tanning increases your chances of developing noticeable, long-term scars on your chest. You'll also have to stop smoking for at least three weeks before your surgery, as smoking can increase your risk of complications during and after the procedure, and it can make your body heal slower too. You will probably have to avoid alcoholic beverages for at least one week as well. Your surgeon may give you some instructions for taking new or changing current medications e.g. Aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medications can increase bleeding, so you should avoid them for at least two weeks before and after the surgery. You should also stop taking vitamin E and most herbal supplements, including green tea, St. John's Wort, and ginkgo. In the days leading up to the procedure, you should drink lots of fluids and eat nutritious meals. The stronger and healthier your body is before your surgery, the faster and easier your recovery will be.

Preparing for Recovery 

During the first few days after your surgery, most of your time will be spent resting. To allow your body to heal properly, you'll have to prepare in advance to be off your feet for several days. You should arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home and look after you for at least the first 24 hours. Before your surgery, you should also make sure your home is in order, your children or pets are taken care of, and you have healthy foods and meals available. When recovering from gynecomastia surgery, most people will take three to five days off of work. However, if you work a physically demanding job, prepare to take up to two weeks off. Gauze, surgical tape, alcohol swabs, and ice packs will help with bleeding, swelling, and discomfort. Neosporin can help keep the incisions clean, and vitamin K cream can reduce bruising and promote faster skin healing. Vitamin C can help with tissue repair, but you should ask for your doctor's opinion before taking any supplements. Make sure you have plenty of loose, comfortable shirts for the first week or two after the surgery too. If your doctor doesn't provide compression garments, you should purchase them to help with the swelling.

Day of Surgery 

Most people are under general anesthesia during gynecomastia surgery. If this is the case for you, you should stop eating eight hours before and stop drinking six hours before. If you'll be under local anesthesia, you should stop eating and drinking two hours before the procedure. Take any medications that your doctor recommends with just a small sip of water. You can take a shower the night before or the morning of your surgery, but you shouldn't use deodorant or lotion. Dress in comfortable and loose clothing for your surgery and if possible, wear a button-up shirt or a sweatshirt with a zipper, so nothing needs to be pulled over your head. Ultimately, the best thing you can do to prepare is follow your doctor's directions and ask them any questions you have. Your doctor knows exactly what you need to do to have the easiest and most successful surgery possible, so you should pay careful attention to their instructions. 

Dr. Joseph Rucker is a breast reduction specialist located in Wisconsin. He is certified by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, and he is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons. In addition to running his own private practice, he has served as a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin Medical School.

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