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5 Must-Have 2016 Car Gadgets

The world of tech is making everything and anything possible. Our friends at Carspring love sharing new ways of getting the most out of your car so we met up with them to get the scoop. We’re all about making people’s life as hassle-free as possible. Not only with our effortless way of buying a used car online, but also by enlightening you with the very latest automotive gadgets. There’s nothing more suave than being at the cutting-edge. And, with the easy purchase of one of these innovative add-ons, you’re going to be streets ahead your mates. 

Dash Camera 

Record your journey and share those special moments! This camera is the ideal gadget to take on that unforgettable crazy roadtrip with your mates. Capture and save those priceless moments with the lads. Not only is it a great tool to store memories, but also useful if run into trouble when you’re on the road. Dash cameras capture incidents, ease disputes and could save you a lot of time and money in the long-run.

Portable Mobile Diagnostics 

It’s all very well keeping yourself healthy and in great shape, but what about your car? This portable mobile diagnostics tool enables you to detect any issues with your car, without having to see a mechanic. In addition, the gadget provides data on more economical ways to drive (saving you money on fuel) and how to keep your car running like a dream, so you’re going to pay less out in repairs. 

Nav System 

No need to clutter your car with wrinkled and out-dated road maps. Sat navs are available for a range of different budgets and vary in levels of complexity. Our top recommendations, which are some of the most popular out there, are the TomTom G0 5000 and the Garmin Nuvi 3598LMT-D. Both come with a large screen and have an incredible range of unexpected functions.

Head-Up Display 

Keep your eyes firmly on the road, with a head-up display. This cool little gadget allows you to see both the road ahead and car information (such as the speedometer and tachometer) simultaneously. A great tool helping you to avoid accidents, as it ensures your eyes stay looking where they need to be. 

Radar Detector 

No longer do you need to fall victim to speed cameras. A radar detector warns you of speed cameras before you get caught out. Obviously, it’s always important to respect speed limits. However, this tool can serve as prevention - before you get into trouble, warning you to cool your speed and help keeping you safe when you’re out and about.

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